~~MaRI cLiCK kT cNiE KlaU nAk JOin HeArtBEaT ^ ^~~

Friday, January 21, 2011

HapPY BIrtHDAy tO My bELoVed mAMa!!

the picas is from google..

assalamualaikum sume...sihat ke korg??
hehehehe..kali nie bersua kembali..arini, ak x brape busy..
so, bleh la mengupadate sakan..hohohoho...
first n3 utk arini ak tujukan khas utk bondaku..
mama, selamat hari lahir..
akk wish:
semoga mama terus diberikan kesihatan y baik,
d pnjgkan umur n dimurahkan rezeki...
di anugerahkn kehidupan y bahagia n harmoni di dunia dan akhirat,
dan akk doa agar mama terus mendapt rahmat ALLAH,
n akk berharap mama dpt perg menunaikan haji bersama2 abah dlm keadaan y sihat..
sihat dr segi semua aspek...^ ^

mama, akk harap mama sentiasa bahagia d dunia mahupun d akhirat..

so, mama...wish u happy besday..
from ur only one daughter..^ ^

k stakat tu dulu entry nie..

after nie ak share psl indusrtial visit..
ak akn bercerita d next n3..stay tune k..
jumpe d next n3..
daaaaaa...assalamualaikum sume...
have a nice day..

ppssstttt: next n3 ak btol2 nk cter psl industrial visit..
n next2 n3 psl lab..n da gambr y ak nk abadikan d cnie..tp lom dpt ag..
first lab y make me really tired..but im enjoying..ngeee~~


Anonymous said...

besday mak ko rini ea???
wish kt mak ko skali ea...
smoga dy bahagia n diberkati Allah slalu..amin~

~conangirlz~ said...

yup, today is my mom besday..ngeee~~
insyaALLAH, ak akn sampaikan..hehehehe..
thnx for that wish..*bg pihak mak ak*

Anonymous said...

smpaikan tau...2 tanda ak msih ingt mak ko..cume xde mase lg nk g umah ko lg.mybe time raye kot??hehe

~conangirlz~ said...

thnx sbb masih ingt my mummy!!

Anonymous said...

haha~ insyaallah slagi ak xnyanyuk..hehe~

~conangirlz~ said...
